city Net News The Net's Best Pet
Pets don't drive or use the Net,
which leaves you-know-who stuck picking up the puppy chow. In case
you don't drive either, the Web is a pet-owner's paradise, offering
everything from flea collars to doggie massage. It's even a great
place to start if you're looking to adopt a pet. Or a sock puppet.
- Pets.com
is the Wal-Mart of online pet stores, offering a dizzying array of
food, treats, toys, and everything else your four-legged, finned,
or winged companion could conceivably need. You can even bone up
on any relevant legal issues in the pet-law section. Competitors
Petsmart.com and Petopia.com sell similar stuff, and also offer
interesting information: Petsmart even compares different brands
of dog and cat food.
- Epetmart.com
grooms a few dollars off Manhattan vet bills by spreading around
the dog-shampoo discounts once only available to professionals.
The Epet doctor consultations are money-savers too.
- Karensnyc.com, the online outpost of the tony Upper
East Side shop and groomer, sells a selection of the store's
chi-chi pet paraphernalia. Looking for a fab new python or
rhinestone-studded collar? Perhaps a faux-fur coat? Is
Rover outgrowing his basket and ready for a roll-up doggie futon?
Just don't be surprised if he starts whining about getting his own
- Animalelementals.com offers Dr. Goodpet's
homeopathic remedies for calming frazzled nerves, relieving
itchiness -- even fending off canine morning breath. But Animal
Elementals doesn't stop with flower power -- the site also sells
"magnetic therapy" aids: bandannas, mattress pads, and hip and
shoulder wraps that create a magnetic field to help pet cells heal
themselves. Why should poor Kitty be left out of the homeopathic
- Travelpets.com offers a new leash on life for
anyone who's ever smuggled his canine companion into a roadside
motel, only to spend the whole night trying stifle its whimpers.
This online guide to animal-planet travel includes everything from
cheap motels to cozy B&Bs where you and your best friend can
enjoy a luxurious weekend together. With special beds and a day
camp for dogs, the Three Buck Inn should earn four paws.
- Free Net
Attention New Economy shoppers: If you're
used to getting things on the Internet without paying, the freebie
area of About.com
(freebies.about.com/shopping/freebies/ might) will
help you locate plenty of goodies offline as well. Hosted by
giveaway guru Lee Seats, a Web developer and self-proclaimed "avid
freeloader," the section lists all kinds of offers -- everything
from mail-in coupons for sanitary napkins to custom-designed
online jigsaw puzzles. Deep in the dross, there are some real
gems, including no-cost phone, fax, and voice-mail service, and
demos of CD-ROM games. Hey, if information wants to be free, why
wouldn't everything else?
- Java Scripts
Drew's Script-o-Rama is to film
dialogue what Napster is to albums -- except the only people it
stands to put out of business are SoHo street vendors. Would-be
screenwriters can click on hundreds of movies -- from hits like
X-Men and The Patriot to classics like Annie
Hall and Vertigo -- and get links to printable versions
of full scripts from sites around the Web, some of which are even
legal. Script-o-Rama (http://www.script-o-rama.com/) also offers first
drafts, unproduced screenplays, and sitcoms, although most of the
TV shows are transcripts. Perhaps aspiring screenwriters don't
mind sitting down and transcribing every line of Friends.
From the August 7, 2000 issue of New York Magazine.