Air Transport
Air Travel Information for your Dog and Cat. Please read this information
thoroughly if you plan to fly with your pet.http://www.iata.org
Also, before you make flight arrangements check out CompanionAir.com
a new airline service that caters to you and your pets flight
Hospital Locator
Healthypet's Hospital Locator to find a veterinary hospital near you
or nearly anywhere you want to go! For example, if you are planning
to move or travel with your pet, look up an AAHA-accredited hospital
near your destination so that you'll be prepared when your pet needs
medical attention. Located all over the United States and Canada,
AAHA hospital members are dedicated to excellence in small animal
Hike With
Your Dog!
A New website dedicated to hiking with your dog. They have direct
links to over 2000 dog-friendly parks and trails in the US and
Canada and also list parks that do not allow dogs...so check out
this site before you plan your trip. They also encourage folks to
share a favorite hike with their dogs with others and post them by
state or province. They feature a selected park each month for
hiking with your dog.
Ruff Rider - Your Best Friend's Safety Rides on it
Ruffrider products provide safety for your family, safety for kids, and safety for your pet..